Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Welcoming the Stranger"

The last part of the Micah Corps program is action-based, including visits to local churches to discuss meaningful immigration reform and learn from Nebraska United Methodists and others about their own experiences with the issue. In the video interns Rachel and Brian facillitated a forum in Hooper, NE on immigration from a biblical perspective, and how Jesus taught us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25). Furthermore, the interns visited Olive Crest UMC in North Omaha to discussion immigration and our immigrant history, as we were once strangers in the land of Egpt (Leviticus 19:33-34). Other captions in the video include a section from our attendance at a worker justice breakfast, put on by Interfaith Worker Justice, which stressed recognizing the humanity and dignity in all persons. It was a wonderful experience traveling to different churches, bible studies, and community events. The interns thank all who participated and encourage all to advocate for justice for the immigrant. If you feel motivated to get involved, one of the things you can do is visit, and sign up for text updates on reform or simply navigate the site to learn more...or if you feel like it we encourage you to call your local representatives and ask for meaningful immigration reform that is just and humane. Thanks! And remember to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God!!!!!!

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