Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adam and Elizabeth at Voices for Children in Nebraska

This week, Adam and Elizabeth are at Voices for Children in Nebraska, studying about the issues surrounding children in poverty in Nebraska. So far this week, they have learned about how poverty is defined and about some of the issues facing those in poverty, especially children , across the state of Nebraska.

This video shows how the federal poverty line, and what it actually takes for a family of four to survive are vastly different numbers. They also learned that poverty is not just in urban areas, it is also in rural areas and that the look of poverty in both of those places is much different.
On Tuesday, they had a chance to interview the staff members at Voices for Children in Nebraska. Throughout the day they learned what Voices does and how they are enacting change for the children in poverty in our state, by looking at the big picture, and enacting social justice on a state-wide scale.

1 comment:

  1. We had Adam and Elizabeth visit our church in Ithaca on Sunday. Their message was interesting and cut straight to the point...we HAVE to take care of the poor.

    Thank you for your presentation.

    Julie Parker
