Monday, July 15, 2013


On Sunday July 14th, Tori Osler and Omar Cruz had the privilege to be in Tecumseh UMC in Kansas and present their immigration presentation to our family in Christ in Kansas. Little did we know that Tecumseh UMC was going to be host to a guest musician who shared* his music on the same day Micah Corps was giving their presentation. His name is David Boyles, he is from Tecumseh, Kansas and attends a different church but stops by at Tecumseh UMC once in a while to share his lovely music. So after Tori and Omar gave the immigration presentation, David Boyle went up on the stage and shared an amazing song, called Deportees (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos). He started with an article from The New York Times, and it was about a deadly plane crash that happened on January 28, 1948 near Los Gatos Canyon close to Fresno, California. The lyrics explain that this plane crash occurred near Los Gatos Canyon, and they were transporting undocumented immigrants back to Mexico. The sad part of this story is that the media and news reporters identified these victims as deportees, not by their names. So David sang that song for us and it was just heart touching, as I said little did we know that David had chosen such a perfect song to sing to the congregation. After the service we talked to him about how he chose this song. He said he did some research on us and saw that we were giving a presentation of some sort of social issue, but did not know it was about immigration. God had something special for us that Sunday morning and it was a true blessing to hear that amazing song.

Act of Action! Let’s welcome our immigrants friends, documented and undocumented.

*Just a side note, David Boyle did not write this song, he got it from the internet. This song belongs to Woody Guthrie. Woody Guthrie stood up for justice and wrote protest songs like the song Deportees.

For more details click the links below:,0,2642231.htmlstory


  1. What a great summer of learning and growing you are having! I tried to watch the video but it says it is private. Amazing how God brought all of you together for that Sunday!

  2. Please repair the video so everyone can see. It says the video is private.
